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Hello World!
6/11/24 - 1 min read
So, I finally finished my website. This website is all original code, I didn't use a template or website builder or any of that junk. I've always disliked those templates as it feels unoriginal and cheap.
The best part about this being coded from scratch is that it allows me to make it unique to my liking. In case you haven't noticed I have a little coding theme going on. Unfortuantely I actually do not know how to fully code, I know little tidbits but not how to do it all myself. You may be asking how I coded this website then? In all honesty most of it was made using AI. Before you get on me I would like to mention I only used it as a tool, I didn't have it create everything.
To host my website I'm using
Github which so far is amazing as a free website host. Overall the process of hosting this website was simple to figure out, so love github for that.
The use of this website is mainly for fun, I wanted to see if I could make a aesthetically pleasing website for not much cost, and overall all it has cost me is $1.50 for the domain. But I will be posting fun projects I have made, such as things I either have built with my dad or things I made with my Raspberry Pi.
Make sure you follow me on
Instagram as I'll post when I upload new projects on my story! Thanks for reading my first project post.